Saturday, July 18, 2020

Blood Diner (1987) and Exploitation

In Blood Diner, Michael (Rick Burks) and George (Carl Crew) follow their Uncle Anwar’s (Drew Godderis) direction and construct what they call a perfect female body out of women’s body parts to host the spirit of a decadent ancient Egyptian goddess, Shitar. Their murdered victims become fodder for customers in their so-called vegetarian restaurant, providing humorous scenes of vegetarians inadvertently ingesting human flesh. 

Eventually, two inept but persistent detectives Sheba Jackson (LaNette La France) and Mark Shepherd (Roger Dauer), discover the boys’ plan to resurrect Shitar. They learn more about Shitar’s Lumerian Cult from an archeologist who explains how the gruesome goddess entices followers to participate in a literal blood feast. Michael and George plan to recreate this feast.

Although Michael and George successfully construct their goddess and bring her back to life with a ritual Uncle Anwar provides, their plan fails when a newly arisen Shitar feeds on George instead of the female virgin Connie (Lisa Elaina) they have provided her. Detective Shepherd shoots Michael, freeing Connie and angering George, who yells, “You killed my brother!” But Detective Jackson kicks George into a hungry Shitar’s fanged stomach, and she eats his head. With shots of electric low-budget effects, Shitar seems to explode in a blast, seemingly destroying her and the brothers who created her. The remains of the drugged revelers line the floor and stage in the club. When one wakes up, a police officer shoots her. 

But in a final scene, a woman in red walks away. It is Shitar transformed. A young man picks her up in his convertible and tells her, “You look hot, bothered, and horny.” Shitar smiles, revealing her fanged teeth. In this campy B cannibal horror film, Shitar may be the product of male exploitation. But she also destroys the colonizers who create her.

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