Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Amaryllis and Strangers on a Train


My amaryllis grew three feet
toward window and ceiling, blooming
with a quatrain of pink trumpets

under a fluorescent light bulb
on my kitchen table

an overhead shot revealing a merry go round
of greens and pinks from barely there to fuchsia

a carousel from the “June is bursting out all over” musical
or Strangers on a Train

its mad racing horses

a circling pony cart ride where I
caught my foot and spun around

hanging on reins like stems on a flower bulb
a bell lit up like a chandelier

propped up with plastic spatulas
and wooden spoons

it slid to one side

leaving a clean surface
so ordinary as to go unnoticed

and fell flaccidly on the hidden chair

beside the door.

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