Tuesday, April 5, 2016

English Studies Conference, Eastern Illinois University, April 7-8, 2016

Pre-Conference Events
Thursday April 7 in Witters Conference Room, Booth Library 4440

4:30 – 5:15
We Need Diverse Media!
with Dr. Robin Murray (Coordinator, EIU Film Studies minor)
Come for a lively discussion of diversity in contemporary film.
Stay for a chance to win one of twenty DVDs in the raffle. 

Refreshments will be served between events

5:45 – 6:45
Social Justice Teacher Panel
featuring EIU Alums
Nico Canaday, Mt. Zion Public Schools
Kathy Decker, Champaign Public Schools
Lisa Nuku, Monticello Public Schools

English Studies Conference
Friday April 8, Third floor of Coleman Hall

Presentations, readings, panels, and workshops by EIU students—a celebration of the rich variety of academic, professional, and creative activities in English Studies.

Conference Schedule
9:00     Registration opens
10:00   Sessions
11:00   Sessions
12:00   Free Lunch + Poster Sessions
1:00     Keynote Address by Dr. Melissa Ames (see below)
2:00     Sessions
3:00     Sessions

1:00 Friday April 8 in Lumpkin Hall Auditorium

“Funhouse Mirrors: Culture’s Distorted Visions of Gender”
Conference keynote by our own Dr. Melissa Ames, author of How Pop Culture shapes the Stages of a Woman's Life: From Toddlers in Tiaras to Cougars on the Prowl

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