Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Cli Fi Movie Awards get a name: THE CLIFFIES! A Q and A with cli-fi founder Dan Bloom

The Cli Fi Movie Awards get a name: THE CLIFFIES!

Joe and I are pleased to share an amazing event with help from its founder, THE CLIFFIES! Please check out the Q and A below to learn more about the first awards program for climate  fiction (cli-fi) film! In a brief self-interview, climate activist and genre student Dan
Bloom talks about his new Cli Fi Movie Awards program, what it is and
why he started it.

QUESTION: -- Dan, you've coined the cli fi genre term and you've been
busy the past 3 years promoting it to the media in the USA, the UK and
Australia, with some pickups also in Denmark, Norway, Brazil, Chile
and Spain. Why are you now curating the CLIFFIES, what you call the
CLI FI MOVIE AWARDS, which you have dubbed in your word coining ways
as "The Cliffies"? What are the Cliffies?

DAN BLOOM: The Cli Fi Movie Awards will honor and recognize the best
cli fi movies of the year on an annual basis. In ten categories. The
2015 launch will be on February 15, a week before the Oscars telecast

QUESTION: -- Why run the event a week before the Oscars?

DAN BLOOM: We want to get maximum media exposure for the Cliffies
awards and this is just good PR timing.

QUESTION: How many movie nominations have come in this year for the
2014 period of cli fi movies?

DAN BLOOM: Seven films have been nominated so far, with categories
like best directors, actors, supporting actors, cinematography, PR and
marketing campaigns, and a few more new categories never awarded
before in Hollywood!

QUESTION: Such as.....?

DAN BLOOM: Wait for the CLIFFIES launch.

QUESTION: Who is funding the event? Sponsors? Venue? Where will the
CLiFFIES take place?

DAN BLOOM: Again, wait for the launch on mid February. This is big.
This is trending and this will reach a lot of important people in the
movie industry with a cli fi message for future years. That's our
goal. That's our premise. That was our starting point. The Cliffies
are not about glitz or glamor or movie stars. They are about the very
future of our planet. Hollywood has a big role to play and indie
movies, too.

QUESTION: Dan, you come across as a bit of an eccentric, a bit of a
maverick and a bit of a climate activist with a never give up
attitude. Who are you?

DAN BLOOM: All three. Take your pick. I answer to all of them. Mostly
I'm a lone wolf crying in the wilderness, shouting from the rooftops,
issuing some wake up calls, ringing some alarm bells, hopefully.

QUESTION: Do you think in all seriousness the media is going to pay
attention to this cockamamie idea of a cli fi movie awards event
dubbed the CLIFFIES when you yourself have zero street cred in
Hollywood, zero media visibility and zero sponsorships?

DAN BLOOM: I'm not worried. What will happen, will happen. Watch! This
is big. We're starting small, but there is a huge growth potential
here, and not about money or glitz. This is a very serious thing we
are curating.

QUESTION: Do you have have any background in the movie business? I
mean, what are you getting yourself in to?

DAN BLOOM: I know a few people in the movie industry, producers and
screenwriters. I've been around the film business all my life as a PR
guy. But this is not about Hollywood, this is about waking Hollywood
up. See?

QUESTION: I do believe you are a maverick, an eccentric,
and a lone wolf climate activist. Not many people would go out on a
limb and do what you are doing, without a parachute and without any
funding or sponsors.

DAN BLOOM: If you build it, they will come. I once interviewed Kevin
Costner during a press conference in Tokyo when I worked there as a
reporter and he came to town for DANCES WITH WOLVES. If you build it,
they will come. He taught me that! ''Field of Dreams''!

NOTE: Nominations for the CLIFFIES are still valid until last day of
December. Send suggestions and categories to:



  1. Great concept, but please reconsider using the word "lone wolf" and give credit to the thousands of others creating content (novels, art, films, etc.) dealing with climate change. Many of us also do not have funding, sponsorship, voices in the media, etc. I think it's terribly important to always recognize the authors, film-makers, and other artists who are leading the way in the climate genre. There's also tons of other non-sponsored or even recognized media that is out there promoting the same thing. Some call it cli-fi. Some call it sci-fi. Some don't worry about labels. The important thing is the actual work being done!

  2. Thank you for presenting a very nice article.
