Tuesday, November 27, 2018

November 28 Embarras Valley Film Festival Selections in Lumpkin Auditorium from 3-4:30!

2018 EVFF Student Film Selections

Directions:Vote for your top 3. Circle the three films you liked the most and, if you’d like, number them 1-3, with 1 being first place, 2 begin second, and 3 being third place.


Madelyn by Mackensie Archibald [YouTube, EIU Student, 3.03] ______________

Monica Genta by Elazia Key [EIU Student, 2.43] _______________

Change is Coming by Ajan Patel [2.42] ______________________

Submersion by Miller Maahnes [6.35] __________________

ISalsa by Sandra Lena [7.00] __________________

One Story at a Time by Nathan Legger [5.13] ________________

Love, Olivia by Olivia Walker [5.29] ____________________

Artist in Progress by Emily McNeill [High School, 6.44] ____________________

Fictional Films:

The Button by Woody Hamilton [7.46] ___________________

Maybe Next Time? By Taylor Moore [2.09] __________________

The Lights are on But Nobody’s Home by Ethan Stephens [6.56]   ________________

Adam by Alyce Rogers [High School, 8.11] __________________

The Thrill of the Chase by Mike Sano [3.45] ___________________

Hermes by Ashley Cal [2.38] ____________________

Lilith by Nicole McBride [4.10] __________________

Misaligned by Weiyang Ben Wu [High School, 6.05] ____________________

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