Sunday, October 28, 2018

Embarras Valley Film Festival Accepting Submissions for its Student Film Festival!

Embarras Valley Film Festival 

Short Student Film Festival

Eastern Illinois University

Submit through Film Freeway: Film Freeway Submission Site
Embarras Valley Film Festival Call for Student Submissions
Deadline: November 18, 2018 
Festival: October 28, 2017
We are looking for short films of high artistic quality made by student filmmakers. Preference will be made for filmmakers from the Central Illinois area and high school students.
The EVFF is a yearly event honoring a person or theme relevant to the Embarras Valley, which encompasses much of East Central Illinois. This year’s festival highlights the horror and thriller film in Illinois.
Submission Guidelines: 
• Films should be short: no more than 10 minutes in length. 
• Entries should be labeled with: 
1. your name, 
2. address, 
3. email address, 
4. the title of your film, 
5. and a 2-3 sentence synopsis.
For more information about the festival visit 
or email
There is no submission fee for this student film festival. 
Small monetary awards will be provided for first, second, and third place winners.
We are looking for short films/videos of high artistic quality made by student filmmakers, including promos, documentary shorts, and fictional films of any genre. 
Preference will be made for student filmmakers from Eastern Illinois University, the Central Illinois area, and Illinois high school students.
Submission Guidelines: 
• Films should be short: under 10 minutes in length. 
• Entries should be labeled with: 
1. your name, 
2. address, 
3. email address, 
4. the title of your film, 
5. and a 2-3 sentence synopsis.
For more information about the festival visit 
or email

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