Wednesday, January 27, 2016

More Green Planet Films: Solutions to Environmental Problems

Monde Films, Abundance on a Dry Land documents solutions to drought issues in California.  In California,  the agriculture industry is suffering from a lack of water, and farms are being abandoned at an alarming rate.  But some people seem to have found  a  solution.  In California and in many other dry regions around the world, land restoration is facilitating water infiltration to help increase the yields. In addition, even in dry  areas, a lot of water can be potentially harvested and stored in tanks, ponds and swales.  By using  swale systems, gabions, biodiversity, mulching, pioneer  trees, animals both wild and domestic, check dams, fruit forests, keyline plows, compost teas and many other methods, it is possible to turn the soil into a large sponge,  and design new productive landscapes. Abundance on a Dry Land showcases these solutions

The Greenhouse of the Future is an innovative and strategic design, built of recycled and natural materials, that interacts with the natural phenomena of the planet in order to create the ideal environment for growth and abundance.

The technologies and concepts that have inspired the design of this greenhouse have been proven by over 40 years of research and development by Michael Reynolds’ Earthship homes as well as the many studies on passive solar greenhouses.


  • A 70 minute, full resolution documentary that reveals and explains every step you’ll need to build your own greenhouse.
  • 3D animations that will allow you to visualize and understand every single aspect of the structure.
  • A window into a world of resilient, green, and sustainable technologies, and the community that’s growing with it.

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